Saturday, July 14, 2007

Caucus Date Leapfrog Update: Ohio Joining Florida on Jan. 29?

Caucus Date Leapfrog Update: Ohio Joining Florida on Jan. 29?

It's still in the "legislation introduced" stage, but Ohio is looking at joining Florida on January 29. The Cincinnati Enquirer reports:

Kearney said his bill would move the scheduled Ohio primary from March 4, increasing the Buckeye State’s impact on the primary process. So far, six states plan presidential primaries or caucuses in January.

Only four of those are on the DNC-sanctioned calendar: Iowa on January 14, Nevada on January 19, New Hampshire January 22, and South Carolina and only South Carolina on January 29.

One Ohio legislator tries to justify both states that have leapfrogged:

“As the key battleground state that decided the 2004 election, it just makes sense for Ohio to be a part of the process alongside Florida, which decided the 2000 election,” said Sen. Shirley Smith, a Cleveland Democrat.

Don't make any plans for the night of January 7th, Iowans.

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