Friday, April 30, 2004

Vilsack, Pederson spells VP?

"From everything I hear, he's on the very short, short, short, short, short list" - Tom Harkin

It's a long, long way from that evening in 1997 when six of us showed up at the El Charro Mexican restaurant in Conesville to talk to this obscure state senator from Mt. Pleasant and his wife.

I became a Vilsacker that night and while I haven't been 100% happy, I've been happy enough.

As someone who believes in and practices the minutiae of grass roots get out the vote, I like having someone on the ticket who believes in that stuff. I'm remembering 1994, when Bonnie Campbell ignored the field operation and spent all her time and money on TV ads - and really ineffective ones at that.

The Vilsacks, on the other hand, know and appreciate the drudgery of phone banks and absentee ballot drives. The best yard sign plan I ever saw was written by Christie Vilsack.

I realize I'm sounding like one of those people who cares more about the courthouse than the White House - and I guess that's what I am. The interesting thing from my parochial perspective is: Vice President Vilsack makes Sally Pederson an incumbent governor before any 2006 primary. Chet Culver must have profoundly mixed feelings.

Naaah, it doesn't matter. It's gonna be Bill Richardson.

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