Monday, September 06, 2004

Let's hear it for the undecideds

Let's hear it for the undecideds

Pffffffft! There's my salute to the undecideds.

"Lose the negativity. More specifics, fewer ads, and more debates."

Right. Like anyody so disengaged that they can't decide between John Kerry and George W. Bush is going to sit and watch a debate, or pore over a position paper for "specifics." They'll be reaching for the remote before you can say

"Our three panelists who will be questioning the candidates are..."
"Are you ready for some football!?"
"Six bachelorettes survived last week, but tonight there are only four roses..."
"I baked a coconut cream pie, Gilligan..."
"Tinky Winky! Dipsy! Laa Laa! Po! Teletubbies! Teletubbies! Say Hello!"

Anyone who's gonna watch a debate has already tuned in enough that we've got our MINDS MADE UP. The reality is, people who are informed about public affairs have built themselves a worldview, a framework of ideas, and the differences between Kerry and Bush are so vast that the only undecideds left are the truly uninformed.

Not trying to sound elitist or anything. But Objective Paradigm American journalists want voters to act like them. Partisanship is "bad" and neutrality is "good." I for one think informed and passionate partisanship gets a bad rap. One of the reasons we'll see record early voting this year is that so many people have their minds made up.

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