Friday, January 14, 2005

Cold to prospect of Gore 2008

Cold to prospect of Gore 2008

Here's an item that leaves me even colder than the mustache frost:

"It could get crowded for the Democrats in 2008. John Kerry has said he won't rule out running again, and now comes word Tipper Gore is telling friends that Al is eyeing another race himself."

Pollsters sometimes use a thermometer scale in focus groups; how "warm" do you feel toward Issue X or Candidate Y, on a scale of 0 to 100 degrees.

I'll take the liberty of defining this in the context of our cold wave. I suppose one degree above zero means "I would begrudgingly vote for this person", while below zero is "who's the Green candidate?"

Right now the temperature outside is 3 below zero. Gore weather.

The thermometer sneaks above zero - barely - today. A climate suited to John Kerry, last seen in France continuing his Shadow President tour.

It's not getting any warmer for a few days, which may explain this:

Clark in 2008? Well? "I haven't ruled anything out," he dodged as he left...

I'd take Clark over Gore - I'd take that "Can you hear me now? Good" guy over Gore! - but my gut feelings about the military, and especially career military, are so strong that I would have a really really hard time voting for a general.

I'm still very warm to Howard Dean and I think he's setting his sights too low with the focus on DNC chair. I like Russ Feingold too. The home state connection, the vote against the Patriot Act, and the insulation against charges of anti-Semitism when I hint that maybe, just maybe, our support for Israel is part of the reason the rest of the Middle East hates us. And I could certainly support Hillary with full enthusiasm.

My first choice would have been a living breathing Paul Wellstone.

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