Thursday, September 21, 2006

Fallon takes a shot at Boswell

Fallon takes a shot at Boswell

I still get a lot of email from the Ed Fallon list (probably more that I get from the Culver-Judge list). It's always chock full of content and message, and today Ed uses the dustup between Swaim (D) and Wiskus (formerly R) as a lens to look at negative campaigning.

I've got mixed feelings: I'm a free speech absolutist, and a well done "comparative" ad is a work of art. But too often they sink campaigns into irrelevant, least common denominator issues, and they have an overall negtative effect on turnout (encouraging the "they're all crooks" mindset.)

But isn't campaigning against negative campaigning in and of itself negative? And how much wood WOULD a woodchuck chuck? In any case, THIS is an interesting shot:

The third district congressional race is especially discouraging. Jeff Lamberti’s disingenuous ad about Leonard Boswell’s determination to raise your taxes is being countered by a Boswell ad on immigration and criminal justice. The Boswell ad (entitled “Keeping Iowa Secure” and viewable on his website) is so offensive that it runs the risk of alienating a significant portion of Boswell’s Democratic base. It’s unfortunate that this race has deteriorated to name calling, record-distorting and fear mongering at a time when the nation faces a war, a health care crisis and skyrocketing tuition costs, among other problems.

Kyle strongly agrees.

Is Fallon, a 3rd CD resident, positioning himself as a progressive challenger to Boswell (or, God forbid, Lamberti) in 2008? Or is a push from the left what is needed to get Boswell to, as the Brits say, stand down? I know you read me, Ed; the comments are wide open...

Ed'll be doing some congressional campaigning and music playing this weekend, but over in my 2nd CD:

Fundraiser for Dave Loebsack
Friday, September 22
The Mill, 120 E Burlington St, Iowa City
6:00 PM

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