Monday, February 12, 2007

Im In Ur Blogz Steelin Ur Linkz

Quick and dirty this AM.

Had my second highest traffic day ever yesterday and the most I've ever actually earned (Election Day was #1 but I didn't post all day). Obama gets the credit for that... Common Iowan does the same kind of writeup I did only at Ames. Feedback: you regulars like the live pseudo-transcript style, or would you prefer think now, write later?

The Daily Iowan, meanwhile, doesn't publish on the weekend so catches up on Cedar Rapids today. And Hotline continues to obsess on the Dave Loebsack Obama "endorsement" (sic). The acknowledge it wasn't an endorsement but they really really want to read a lot into it - but that at least gives Dave some nice attention.

O. Kay
has some backstage Obama stuff and the Vilsacker's reax to Tom Miller and Mike Fitzgerald.

Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, one question sums up Hillary Clinton's big vulnerability for the nomination:

"I want to know if right here and right now, once and for all, without nuance, can you say that the war authorization vote was a mistake?" one questioner asked.

That question was how one voter welcomed Clinton to New Hampshire. It was a zinger that put her on the hot seat.

"I've said and I will repeat, that knowing what I know now that I would never have voted for it," Clinton said.

But was that the answer he was looking for?

"Absolutely not. And I love what she's talking about with health care. I love what she's talking about with the war now and capping the troops. But until she says it was mistake, she's not gonna get my vote," the questioner replied.

In Iowa City, the Press-Citizen luuuuuuvs Rick Dobyns' initiative to keep legal adults out of bars.

And in Hollywood the music industry flips Bush a giant middle finger and the Dixie Chicks win the Grammies in a landslide (apologies to Stevie Nicks). Natalie Maines: "I think people are using their freedom of speech with all these awards. We get the message." So do we, so do we...

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