Saturday, February 03, 2007

Iowa Senate's New Winger

Iowa Senate's New Winger

Ken Veenstra got knocked off in a primary - too right-wing for Sioux County! - and Steve King squeaked through a nominating convention to move on to bigger things. But the Iowa Senate would be incomplete without one batshit crazy winger. The new loon is David Hartsuch, the guy who knocked off moderate Maggie Tinsman in a primary, making an ass of himself while offering homophobe amendments in the bullying bill debate:
While offering that amendment, Hartsuch quizzed fellow freshman Sen. Staci Appel, D-Indianola, about her work as a Sunday school teacher. Democrats objected to what they saw as an overly personal exchange.

"Point of order," yelled Sen. Bob Dvorsky, D-Coralville, who accused Hartsuch's line of straying from his amendment's subject and violating senate rules.

"You're supposed to keep things sort of impersonal ... He was getting pretty close to the line there," Dvorsky said Wednesday. "I think he basically just needs to know the rules of the Senate and how you do debates and how you address people."

Hartsuch didn't back down Wednesday.

"When you see idiocy and you face idiocy, you need to confront idiocy."

Look in the mirror, Dave. Look in the mirror.

Waiting for that pre-caucus cattle call debate? You may be waiting a while:
Representatives for Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama and 2004 vice presidential nominee John Edwards contacted Democratic National Committee executive directior Tom McMahon to request a meeting. The top advisers to Clinton and Obama then secretly came to McMahon's office together Wednesday and asked him to bring some order to the schedule of joint appearances.

The candidates are concerned about fitting all the joint appearances into their schedules, but are afraid to turn down invitations and upset the influential hosts who sponsor the gatherings. They want the party to set the limits so they don't have to, something that DNC officials said they are exploring with the nine candidates.

I know inclusiveness is nice, and we need some cattle calls. But I'd love to see a Big Three Only forum too. Let them stretch out and talk without constant interruptions from Mike Gravel and Dennis Kookcinich.

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