Friday, December 30, 2011

Credit where it's due

Regular readers know that Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (CCI) and I have been feuding for a while. I've tried to make it clear that my issues aren't the issues, they're the tactics, but that hasn't always come across. Or we've agreed to disagree.

So here's a thumbs up to CCI for trying to do things my plain old boring establishment way: Caucus resolutions. The rhetorical style isn't my cup of tonic water, but yeah, I'd vote for these.

Though I'm thinking about voting no on the whole platform at our county convention. Even as a way to make a statement, it has its limits. Johnson County has historically chafed at the district and state imposed length limits and mushy "priorities" voting process, which leads to vague statements like "bacon is yummy" and "9/11 was bad." So sometimes our whole platform gets tossed without consideration at the district level because we did it our way and ran over the word limit. And with no way to make the elected officials actually follow it, why pass one?

I still wish well to all the folks of both parties who are about to embark on the platform process. But CCI: good luck getting any of these passed at a GOP caucus...

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