Friday, January 18, 2013

Labor: Neutral Stance on School Vote

The Iowa City Federation of Labor last night did not make an endorsement on the Iowa City School District revenue purpose statement.

A 10 to 6 vote on a motion to endorse a Yes vote on February 5 fell just short of a required two thirds majority.  Opponents in general said they would consider a Yes vote at a later date but wanted more information from the district first.

The school discussion capped off a long evening at the City Fed's annual chili supper, which also included the re-election of officers and presentation of awards.

Dan Daly received the Jean Martin Community Service Award and Tom Jacobs earned a lifetime achievement award. Both men are AFSCME members. The Center for Worker Justice, a group that works with the immigrant community, won the organization award.

Elected officials and politicos on hand were Sheriff Lonny Pulkrabek, Supervisor Rod Sullivan, and Johnson County Democrats chair/supervisor candidate Terry Dahms. The Democrat's vice chair, Mike Carberry, also a supervisor candidate, stopped by early. Staffers for Tom Harkin and Dave Loebsack also attended.

1 comment:

  1. Not a good sign in predicting the outcome of the vote. Labor endorsement would mean a win for the 'Yes' vote.
