Monday, October 07, 2013

Upcoming Events: October 7 - 14

It's the weekend of the barbecues, as both Johnson County political parties hosts events on back to back dates.

The Republicans are first up on Saturday at Clear Creek Amana High in Tiffin, and they've got themselves a draw interesting enough that even I'm going to go:
All five announced U.S. Senate candidates--David Young, Sam Clovis, Matt Whitaker, Joni Ernst, and Scott Schaben have now confimed that they will attend and participate in the Fall Barbecue candidate forum!  This will be the first forum with all 5 candidates to be held in eastern Iowa.

Additionally, Mark Jacobs who has an exploratory committee will also attend. 
Doors open at 4:30. Dinner at 5:15 and program at 6. Adult tickets start at $30.

Other candidates expected: Senate 39 contenders Royce Phillips and Mike Moore. And, interestingly, Iowa Public Health director Mariannette Miller-Meeks. Maybe that's why the literature Mark Lofgren, the only announced Republican in the 2nd CD, was dropping in Tiffin last month specified the date of the June primary.

Baseball card, notepad, and magnet, all packed in a ziplock baggie (it was a rainy day). But not working from a list of likely primary voters or even registered Republicans, as it was dropped at a Democratic door.

Sunday the Democrats will also have all their U.S. Senate candidates on hand at the Johnson County Fairgrounds as Bruce Braley will be there. Also scheduled: Dave Loebsack, governor candidates Tyler Olson, Jack Hatch, and Bob Krause, and secretary of state candidate Brad Anderson. And Zach Wahls isn't running for anything (yet?) but is speaking and always interesting. Event is scheduled from 3 to 7. Adult tickets start at 15 though, in JCDems tradition, no one gets turned away.

The lines are clearly drawn in the Iowa City council election between the insiders and the outsiders, and the mayor of the left, Karen Kubby, is sending a strong signal this week. Kubby is hosing an event for Kingsley Botchway, Rockne Cole and Royceann Porter on Thursday from 5 to 8 at her home, 1425 Ridge St.

Early voting at the Auditor's Office continues all week, 7:45 to 5:30. A week from today satellite sites start on campus.

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