Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Dean Rivals Accused of Harassment by Phone

Well, I don't know but here's my story.

Just after 9:00 last night I got a call from the Kerry campaign. 9:00 is wrap-it-up time by normal phone center standards but OK by me because that's when my minutes are free and I'm a night owl. (A too-late call would only hurt your own team anyway)

It sounded like a volunteer, right down to phone center chatter in the background, phrased and worded in a slightly awkward oh-gosh style. But when I tried to respond I realized it was a machine call.

My first reaction was: Kerry doesn't have enough volunteers to make calls, so they're making pseudo-volunteer machine calls and hoping for answering machines. You get home and play the messages, or listen in while you screen out the call, and it would sound like a real person. But if you get a live person, it seems as phony as a chin implant.

The message itself was OK, didn't mention other candidates, John Kerry would like your support, etc. etc.

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