Monday, May 17, 2004

Side order of bean sprouts

A garden update from the smallest farm in Iowa: my first bean is poking up out of the soil, proving that the two years in storage didn't hurt the seed. I also have lots of little sprouts of who knows what popping up. I scattered assorted herb and flower seeds, some dating back to 1999, around just to see what happens.

And there's a fungus among us: mushrooms are popping up around one of my giant boulders. I told the guys downstairs they were welcome to check them out to see if they were the special kind. The said they wouldn't know anything about that. Oh well, they don't look like morels either.

It's getting close enough to our June 8 primary that I'm developing that tunnel vision I get in election season. I have no idea what's going on in the larger world but I know a whole lot about the Johnson County Sheriff's race...

Meanwhile, my hit counter keeps spinning but no one says hi, no one comments, no one emails (over there, to your left...) The hits are probably just search engine spiders or people searching for some political artice and I was the only one who linked to it. I'm reasonably confident it's not Nicole or Jodie, and Stephanie is busy the next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As if phone calls aren't good enough, I have to say "hi" when I visit your Blog too. I suppose if I was just a random visitor, a "Hi" would be nice.

Feel free to give JD a piece of your mind, as he does to us. I think he's too liberal, but that's just my opinion. The only thing worse than a liberal is one who knows how to use the internet . . . God, were in trouble now!

JD, "Go for it!"

Jenks aka "John's Republican friend"