Monday, October 25, 2004

Kerry vs Bush, graphs, close, tied, & overtime likely

Kerry vs Bush, graphs, close, tied, & overtime likely

It's beginning to look like we can count on it coming down to at least 5-10 states not being called on election night, and probably 1-3 states determining the outcome days thereafter (a sytematic study of those 10 states counting and certification of the ballot available anywhere?).

Given it's so close, even if John Kerry by all reasonable accounts looks to be the winner, the Republicans will, at the least, want to tarnish Kerry's victory by creating a sense that it was manufactured, stolen, and what not. So don't expect it to be over 9 days from now, it won't be...

Not again... not again... pity us poor election workers... I need to do laundry sometime before December...

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