Friday, December 31, 2004

Lessons Learned (huh?)

Lessons Learned (huh?)

In these post-Kerry era days of doom and gloom, Democrats are like physicists looking for the Grand Unifying Theory. Every blogger seems to have identified the One Thing That Explains It All.

New Donkey calls this "Lessons Learned" and joins many many others in looking at the culture wars. The magic answer: it's all Janet Jackson's fault!

"The obvious place to start is by extending the routine Democratic demand for corporate responsibility to the entertainment corporations which purvey the sex-and-violence saturated products that emblemize the threat to traditional culture so many Americans perceive..."

Great way to turn off those 18 to 29 year old who actually moved TOWARD the Democrats in 2004! You want to create a generation of Greens? Just keep plating Tipper's tune, and pretty soon Ralph Nader will be looking as hip as he did in 2000...

New Donkey immediately gets defensive and stumbles into this constitutional chasm:

"Others change the subject by claiming that any effort to promote some self-regulation of entertainment products amounts to censorship or even repression, as though the utterances of Paris Hilton, as opposed to those of Joe Camel, merit judicial protection."

Uhhh... last I checked there was no clause in the First Amendment that required one's free speech to be tasteful or intelligent. Good thing, too.

"And still others resist the very idea of 'compromise' with the yahoos who watch reality shows three hours a night but profess to deplore the hellbound direction of American culture."

That would be me.... There's no way to compromise with that degree of cognitive dissonance anyway! It's a cultural war, all right. Time to declare which side we're on and fight it. I don't want to live or talk or think like Alabama.

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