Saturday, January 15, 2005

Ethical Bloggers

Ethical Bloggers

For those of you who aren't regulars in the political blogosphere, who either know me personally or stumbled onto me though some convoluted Googling (my occasional commentary about Jerry Springer's political efforts means I sometimes get hits from weird search terms like "fat hookers"), here's the short version.

The Dean campaign paid a couple well known bloggers a year, year and a half ago. Finger pointing is ensuing now. My understanding is both the people in question prominently disclaimed, etc. "No you didn't, yes I did" flamewars are happening.

I only have a couple points to make.

1. The right wing noise machine is playing this up big time, not only to discredit Dean and the bloggers in question, but also as a transparant way to divert attention from the Armstrong Williams punditry-for-pay scandal. Of course, there's quite a difference between paying someone with privately raised campaign dollars and US taxpayer dollars. But that is being blurred, naturally.

2. If anyone wants to pay me for blogging, I'll take it. So long as I don't have to write about fat hookers.

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