Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Hey Hey, Ho Ho?!?

Hey Hey, Ho Ho?!?

One of my pet peeves about lefty rallies is that chanting becomes repetitive and predictable. Inevitably someone leads a rousing chorus of

Hey hey, ho ho,
(fill in in the blank) has got to go!

Well, it seems the right wing, as usual, is devoid of fresh ideas. But if they're going to steal from the left they could at least steal something good:

Outside the hall before the event, Philly DFA began chanting "Hey-hey, ho-ho, Rick Santorum has got to go!" Local college Republicans, who are just about the only Republicans in West Philly, responded with a chant that beautifully was captured live by CNN: "hey-hey, ho-ho, Social Security has got to go!" I love it when the other side does your campaigning for you!

The most honest GOP statement on Social Security I've heard yet.

Now, I'm a First Amendment absolutist as you all know. But in weak moments I'd be seriously willing to consider an exception for Hey Hey Ho Ho. (Not to be confused with Hey Ho Let's Go.) That and:

What do we want? Fill In The Blank!
When do we want it? Now!

The call-and-response chanters really need to recruit some free-style rappers or poetry slammers. Or my all time favorite: back in the Central America era of the late 80s we had a guy who was an Army vet. Veterans go one of two ways: they either completely buy into the military mindset or, like this guy, they become radical lefties. He spent the whole march improvising funny and pointed and easy to follow cadence calls, so we sounded like a lefty version of Bill Murray's platoon in Stripes. And that's the fact, Jack.

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