Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Marijuana petition fails certification

Marijuana petition fails certification

But there's still a shot:

"Pappas, 24, can file a notice to amend his petition within two days after receiving a letter of the insufficiencies. He then has 15 days to file another petition with additional signatures. Only one amendment can be filed.

"We pretty much assumed it would be insufficient," Pappas said. "That's how signature collection goes."

He said a local community group, Progressive Approach, formed to advocate the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes and organized the petition.

"We will definitely file to amend it," Pappas said. "We feel confident we will collect the signatures we need."

Look for someone with a clipboard near you.

I'm interested in what prospective county attorneys think of this. I'm looking for someone who'll say "the present drug and alcohol laws are unenforcable and I'm not going to prosecute them until they're more reasonable," but I know that the bar and the oath of office would prevent such a direct honest statement. So applicants, translate that into pidgin legalese so us laypeople get the point yet your briefs are covered.

Meanwhile, as long as I pick up the paper and read PAULA and possession of marijuana arrests in the police blotter, any discussion of jail overcrowding falls on my deaf ears. Jail too full? Send home the kids who had a beer or a joint first. Then, after they're ALL home, tell me how many Bad Guys are left. But if you've got room for a 20 year old adult who had a beer, then you obviously have plenty of space.


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