Friday, September 23, 2005

Disappointing endorsement from Gronstal, Senate Dems

Disappointing endorsement from Gronstal

Sez here that Mike Gronstal has just endorsed Mike Blouin for governor. And it sez here a bunch of other Senate Dems did too.

I know western Iowa is a different,much more conservative planet, but it's not SO different that Democrats aren't at a minumum supposed to be pro-choice.

Here's the math. John Kerry won 64% of the vote in Johnson County and lost the state. Vilsack and Harkin won 66, 67% and won. You need a solid, two to one win in the People's Republic to win the state, and an anti-choice Dem heading the ticket will divert a significant number of voters. Including me.

Nice to see that the Johnson County senators aren't on the Blouin list.

The wannabees are all going to be in Johnson County this weekend. I'm interested in what the others have to say, but Blouin had been off my list for some time.

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