Saturday, January 21, 2006

Caucus Followup: The Official Johnson County Scoop

Caucus Followup: The Official Johnson County Scoop

The Johnson County convention committees met this morning and I'm Officialy, once again, co-chairing credentials. Sorry to be slow on my numbers, loyal readers, but I sorta DID want to Officially tell the Actual Committee before I blabbed and blogged it to the world.

Here's the delegate count we have at THIS TIME. The chair still has packets from three precincts (of 57; two of those are one delegate precincts so no preference groups were possible).

Total delegate seats: 300. 293 when you don't count the three remaining precincts.

  • Elected without stating a preference: 180 (including me)
  • Elected from an Uncommitted preference group: 8
  • Elected without attending: 18. That's perfectly within the rules.

    That's a total of 206 that are variations on "uncommitted". As for the candidates:

  • Fallon: 18
  • Culver: 3
  • Blouin: 3
  • Judge: 1

    And 62 seats that simply weren't filled. That's a little higher than typical off years but not much.

    Now, here's the catch, and here's where our math differs from the "Fallon declares victory math." Let's say Delegate X is elected in a Johnson County precinct with no preference groups. X then e-mails Fallon HQ and says "I'm a delegate and I support Fallon." Fallon's math counts that as a "Fallon delegate." MY math counts that as a "no preference stated" delegate.

    Here's another note: As many people were elected without even showing up as were elected pledged to Fallon.

    Anyway, this only takes on potential meaning at county convention time when we elect state delegates. For the moment it's just bragging rights at stake.
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