Monday, March 06, 2006

Drew Says I'm Delusional

Drew Says I'm Delusional

You all knew I wan't REALLY demanding intervention from the Pope to convince me Blouin's changing on choice, right? But my fellow blogger Drew Miller, in critiquing my stand, actually goes a long way toward making my point:

Blouin is pro-life. Not in the "personally pro-life" way like a lot of Democrats who still believe in abortion rights for other people - Blouin thinks that there should be laws against abortion.

That, precisely, is my problem. Which is why, when I hear

Despite this, he has committed to maintaining the status quo

I have difficulty trusting him. I'm more inclined to believe his first reaction, back last summer, that can be fairly summed up as "I'm sorry we disagree, but this is a matter of conscience for me, now let's talk about other issues."

But his analysis last summer, pre-Sam Alito, was "there's no way Roe-Wade is going to be overturned."

Drew continues:

Blouin can't just change his mind once in office. If he did, it wouldn't be a "flip-flop." A flip-flop is when your beliefs ostensibly change. Blouin's beliefs are clear already. If he changed his mind in office, it would mean he was just straight up lying throughout his entire primary campaign.

Fair enough. So why not do that flip-flop now?

Anyway. This is a good dialogue. Let's keep it going. Especially the part where Drew says

Blouin is pro-life. Not in the "personally pro-life" way like a lot of Democrats who still believe in abortion rights for other people - Blouin thinks that there should be laws against abortion.

From the inbox, the Culver camp pumps out a press release on the South Dakota bill...

1 comment:

  1. Because I think he wants to have it both ways. He's saying what he thinks he has to, yet at the same time taking advantage of that widely acknowledged "personal" stance.

    I dobn't think it's too much to ask that the top of the ticket Democrat actually BE pro-choice. Shouldn't even be a question.

    I guess there's really nothing he can say that'll make me trust him on this issue...
