Saturday, March 04, 2006

Killing time in the Culver group

Killing time in the Culver group

3:34. We agreed on our Culver delegates by the lower your hand method, but some young folks are insisting we follow the IDP rules. They didn't even want to honor my motion to suspend the rules, but they humored me and then voted me down.

  • Young self important person: "It's against IDP rules, we have to elect 50% plus one on the first ballot."
  • Me: "I don't care. This is the JOHNSON COUNTY convention."

    So I handed in a blank ballot. Then they acted like I made I mistake. "No, that's what I wanted to do. We agreed on our slate and we're wasting time."

    Anyway. About that strategic decision. I wanted to make sure Chet was viable.

    Annnnd.. They get the numbers wrong. How the heck do you screw up an uncontested election?

    So we get it done and start naming alternates. I'm on the put my hand down list.

    Guess I was wrong about Fallon getting more people without groups, huh... I heard reports that they had succeeded in the put your hand down method. (UPDATE: Apparantly they did but one person insisted on balloting. So they went through the same dance we did.)

    Now we're duking it out over a platform committee seat. The Johnson County platform always gets tossed at the district and state because we ignore the length rules. The length rules limit us to platitudes and that's not how we do things in Johnson County.

    I'm voting for the new guy over the woman who's been around a long time who is one of the only anti-choicers left. Ballots aren't secret so what the hell I'll blog it.

    "It seems as if they're trying to make this as tough as humanly possible. Why does this have to be so hard? 14 people, 14 spots. Seems simple enough, eh? Oh, NOOOOOO -- these girls are so anal that they have to stretch two minutes of work into a half-hour. I'm missing a perfectly good basketball game due to this." -- Josh Murphy

    The new guy lost.

    3:54 Now we're voting on all the uncontested committee seats. (yawn) I saw the Blouin group walk by maybe 10 minutes ago. "We've NEVER had to do this and it's my sixth convention" - overheard. Anyway a lot of good organizers are Blouin folks. Which, as a decidedly NON Blouin folk, is unnerving.

    Folks are now blatantly getting up walking out and ignoring the committee chairs.
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