Monday, August 07, 2006

Hope For The Future: Youth Give Bush Poor Grade, Hurting Republican Hopes

Hope For The Future: Youth Give Bush Poor Grade, Hurting Republican Hopes

Among 18-24 year olds, Bush is at an unbelievable 20 percent. His play to the base strategy may have damaged the GOP for a generation. Not that I'm complaining:

``The very cultural issues the president wants to use to rally his party's base are exactly the issues that are alienating younger voters,'' said Ross Baker, a political scientist at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. ``Across a broad swath of social issues, younger Americans see the administration as being out of line with what they believe.''

The war in Iraq is also a major factor driving down public opinion among young voters, said Hans Riemer, political director at Rock the Vote, a group that works to get young people involved in civic life. ``Young people take it very personally,'' he said."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:59 AM

    A witty response to this article: "Youth gives Bush a poor grade; Still popular with 40-50 year-old white midwestern homophobic gun-toting Republicans"
