Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Back On Your Heads, Break's Over

Back On Your Heads, Break's Over

Back to work, blog-wise and work-wise, after a nice long weekend.

  • Roundup from the Labor Day picnic I pseudoliveblogged yesterday in Press-Citizen; Sam Garchik's write-in campaign merits a mention here and in an editorial. Meanwhile, John Edwards is the highlight at the Davenport picnic.

  • Badly written headlines: The register writes "DM police arrest 5 in cemetery murder" while the AP/PC story is headed Authorities make arrests after body found in cemetery.

  • Gazette continues to make itself less and less relevant with its user-surly "E-Edition" format and pay-to play policy. No link love for you.

  • Register yesterday previewed a few top-tier legislative races.

  • Driving through Solon last night it looks like book-ban candidate David Asprey is at it again this year in their school board race. His signs seem to be side by side with incumbent Ben Pardini, while the signs for the more progressive newcomer Laura Reed seem to mostly be alone. There's a money measure on the ballot this year too; last year it looks like the conservatives backing Asprey were also voting no on school funding.

  • Pope's top exorcist says Harry Potter is king of darkness: The forehead scar is a lightning bolt, not a 666. Ozzy was unavailable for comment, though, surprisingly, Voldemort was. Cue the tubular bells, please.

  • Finally to serious matters: a Packer preview.
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