Friday, September 01, 2006

Dodd in Iowa City Sat 9/9

Dodd in North Liberty Sat 9/9

From the inbox:

Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd to speak at Johnson County Dems Annual BBQ

Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) announced he will join Johnson County Democrats at their annual barbecue. The barbecue will take place on Saturday, September 9th at the North Liberty Community Center. Senator Dodd will join Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack and local elected officials at the event.

"I'm delighted to be a part of this long-standing Democratic tradition," said Senator Dodd. "Johnson County residents know a lot about electing Democrats and their leadership will help us write a great story in November."

Senator Dodd has served in the Senate since 1980, is perhaps best known for work on children’s issues. He worked for several years to enact the Family and Medical Leave Act, a landmark bill greatly increased the options for millions of working Americans struggling to balance careers and family life. From 1995 to 1997, Dodd served as General Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

“We are thrilled that Senator Dodd will be here to help us celebrate our candidates and our party,” County Democratic Chair Jennifer Hemmingsen said. “He is a great leader in the United States Senate, and we are very pleased he will be joining us.”

The barbecue will be preceded by a special “Hawkeye Reception” where guests will be able to watch the Iowa play at Syracuse on a big screen TV at the Community Center.

Who: Senator Christopher Dodd, Governor Tom Vilsack, Local elected officials, Democratic candidates

What: Johnson County Democrats Annual BBQ, Tickets are $15 each, or $30 per family

When: Saturday September 9th, 4p-8p, Hawkeye Reception at 2p.

Where: North Liberty Community Center, North Liberty

As always with the JCDems, if you ain't got the $$$ come on out anyway. The chair makes this explicit:

If you're interested in attending, but the ticket price is beyond your financial means, please contact me directly, and JCDems will make sure you receive a complimentary individual or family ticket for this special event.

Any questions for the senior senator from Connecticut? I'm curious if he has anything to say about the junior senator from Connecticut...

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