Friday, September 08, 2006

Grappling with the Voters

Grappling with the Voters

Mass mailer season is starting, and the GOP hits today with the big multi-color absentee ballot request mailing, featuring a pic of Nussle and Dan Gable. Looks a little photoshoppy, but that could just be the printing. Doesn't really matter because the inside fold is a full page endorsement letter over Coach's signature. They lay the wrestling metaphors on a little thick - "going to the mat for Iowa," indeed. Pretty slick mailer, though. But I could have used a little more cowbell.

Krusty has his take on this.

Good for the GOP for having a homegrown athletic hero for their lit - since they don't want to use their unpopular incumbent president...

Anyone else remember the Gable for Governor boomlet that lasted about a week in I think the summer of 2001?

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