Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Loebsack - National Lead Story on Political Wire!

Loebsack - National Lead Story on Political Wire!

This AM's Gazette story proves huge and puts Dave Loebsack right on the national map:

Rep. Jim Leach (R-IA) "may face the challenge of his political career," according to the Cedar Rapids Gazette, noting a new internal Democratic poll showing that 64% of district voters "think the country is on the wrong track and fewer than 50 percent of them plan to vote for the long-term incumbent."

When asked if they would vote to re-elect Leach, 38% said yes, 23% said they would consider someone else and 25% said they would vote to replace him.

However, in a head-to-head matchup with challenger Dave Loebsack (D), Leach still leads 47% to 33%.

Leach is below 50 percent. Repeat: Leach is below 50 percent. If the 2nd CD's Democrats vote like Democrats, we WIN.

Loebsack needs to make the sale yet - but voters are shopping.

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