Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jimmy Carter: Iowa City Speech 4/18/07

Jimmy Carter: Iowa City Speech 4/18/07

6:39 - Thanks to an assist for a journalistic cohort I'm live after all. We've got kind of a side view here from the journalist seats. Doesn't look like it'll be a sellout crowd. People have big buckets of popcorn which are making my stomach rumble.

The laptop bag got checked out twice - once by a sweet old lady and once by a sniffin' dog. The dog didn't smell anything other than cats.

My tardiness in getting a press pass was not unique - supposedly the last person to call was The Overrated One who is still not here at 6:43.

7:00 and the word was they lock it down at 7:05. Folks from the VIP reception have been seated for a while. The reporters were buzzing about protesters (none seen - just flyers) and attendance (no consensus). Floor's mostly full.

7:07, the introing begins and the order to shut off the cell phones is issued. The word - Official - is 8000 tickets issues; with acknowledgement that there's no-shows.

Gary Fethke intros himself and omits "interim" from his title. The student chair of the lecture committee gets the plum of intro-ing Carter. She does well with her own thoughts, then reads the long Carter c.v. "Nobel Peace Prize" gets applause.

7:15 and Carter takes the stage, still with some spring in his step. Opens with a Virginia Tech remark.

This is a unpolitical speech, he says, but "it's a pleasure to return to this university whose students helped me to the white house." Says he still has many supporters here - " at least until they hear this speech."

Urges caucus goers to "screen out" candidates who can't support this : "Negotiations between Israel and Palestine, secure Israel, and a contiguous Palestine." Applause to that.

Carter says he's answered every question about his book - most of them pejorative - on the record.

As a new president I faced an oil embargo and four major wars in 25 years, all led by Egypt. There had been no concerted peace efforts. Soviets allowed few dozen Jews to emigrate each year. I began to meet w/ refusniks and confront Soviets about this - within two years emigration had increased to 50,000 a year. We also prohibited secondary boycotts against Israel. I established commission to establish Holocaust museum.

To achieve peace I would have to be seen as an honest broker. In Camp David accords Israel agreed to Palestinian autonomy. 27 years of peace between Israel and Egypt. This removed the major military threat to Israel. I hoped this would allow Israel to realize its highest ideals.

Since presidency we've traveled to MidEast as often as possible and I've had confidential meetings with heads of state at behest of presidents. I monitored 1996 and 2005-06 Palestinian elections. I had to know all the officials and know citizens throughout Palestine. Israeli govt has always cooperated (with some restraints)

Few people have had a greater chance to observe this region. I know of the violence and fear - and I've strongly condemned violence. I've tried to bring peace to Israel and its neighbors.

I wrote this book to describe Palestinian plight and to start a debate we despataely need.

I realized "apartheid" would cause concern in Jewish community. This is a description of events in Palestine - and I make it clear it's not based on racism. It comes from a MINORITY of Israelis to take land. Many Israelis use this word to describe the situation - in much harsher terms than I did. They say it's contrary to the Jewish faith and to the principles of the nation. And Mandela and Tutu make the analogy too.

Palestinians have been forcibly removed from most productive land and replaced by subsidized letters. Connecting roads are for exclusive Israeli use, dividing the west bank. Dividing wall up to 40 feet high. This makes Palestinian life intolerable. Harms Israel by making peaceful relationships impossible. Challenges us to go there and assess this for yourself.

I have never claimed American Jews control news media- support for Israel In America comes from Christians like me. Mentions Christ.

Under AIPAC pressure balanced debate is nonexistent in congress and among candidates (applause) Withdrawing troops from territories and peace talks immediately. Abbas is the official spokesman for Palestinians. History has shown progress only happens with US as honest broker. But we must not be seen as in the pocket of either side. Commit to Israeli security, but cannot be seen as knee jerk support. More applause.

American friends of Israel are sincere but demands subvert efforts for peace and security. Rice has offered: full recognition of Israel by Arab states in exchange for return to 1967 borders. Israel will never find peace until it withdraws from its neighbor's land (applause)

The Geneva Accords of 2003 outlines the borders of Israel and Palestine, Jerusalem, and right of return issues. This has been acceptable for decades for the majority of Israelis, but not for conservative Israeli leadership and AIPAC.

Hostility to America is directly related to bloodshed in Palestine. (Applause)

Hamas or any Palestinian government will have to accept this too.

Long term prospects are not discouraging. 81% approval in Palestine, 63% in Israel. Exchange of soldiers for prisoners would expedite.

Crucial that next president promote peace and not be bound to powerful lobby (applause). We all want a secure Israel in peace with its neighbors in justice and righteousness.

7:40 speech ends.

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