Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Day Without Candidates

A Day Without Candidates

Rod Boshart at the Gazette makes the catch: yesterday was the first day in nearly two months without a candidate appearance in Iowa. They were probably all en route to Michigan.

Nay, nay, reports my Iowa Indy colleague Lynda Waddington. Biden, Dodd and Richardson all luuuuuuv Iowa. So does Edwards... kinda. He also says it's not his job to make the rules, it's his job to campaign.

CQ reports on Michigan J. Leapfrog. There's also an AP story. It seems that for Michigan Democrats, the issue is not the date -- they're perfectly happy to move up to Jan. 15 and press the entire calendar issue. What the Michigan Dems care about is primary vs. caucus, because back when the GOP had full control of Michigan before 2002, they passed a photo ID to vote law. That echoes what David Bonior was telling me Saturday night; he veered away from dates and toward ID issues.

Closer to home, another stop 21 group has formed to fight the neo-prohibitionists: Bloc21. Headed up by Leah Cohen of BoJames and of that 2001 near-victory for the council seat. Bloc21 appears to be the "grown up" group, joining the campus-based group with the great acronym, Student Health Initiative Taskforce.

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