Saturday, April 26, 2008

Obama Gains National Delegate in 4th District

Obama Gains National Delegate in 4th District

A deal between John Edwards and "another campaign" reported to Iowa Independent Wednesday did not make John Edwards viable in the 4th Congressional District, and as a result Barack Obama gained one national convention delegate at Saturday's congressional district conventions.

The Iowa Democratic Party reports a national delegate count of Obama 16, Clinton 9, and Edwards 4 from the five conventions.

Edwards supporter Sam Juhl, mayor of Roland and an Iowa House candidate, told Iowa Independent Wednesday there had been a conference call between 4th District Edwards supporters and "another campaign" to make Edwards viable.

Math in the district would indicate that would have been Hillary Clinton's campaign. With Edwards not viable, Obama needed to gain fewer Edwards supporters to win a 4-2 split in the 4th district than Clinton would have needed to earn a 3-3 tie.

Based on county convention results, Edwards and uncommitted forced would have been 18 people short of viability in the 4th District.

Results from the other districts:

CD 1: Obama 3, Clinton 2, Edwards 1

CD 2: Obama 4, Clinton 2, Edwards 1

CD 3: Obama 3, Clinton 2, Edwards 1

CD 5: Obama 2, Clinton 1, Edwards 1

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