Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Smallest Farm Planting

Smallest Farm Update

The May 5 election slowed me down, but I'm now in the midst of my now-annual garden planting vacation. Four straight days of perfect weather has meant a lot of progress. Today's project is fortifying the fences.

The gardens are flipped this year, with tomatoes and peppers in the south. Got 18 tomato plants in the ground yesterday, along with 16 peppers, four eggplants, and another salad planting. The north row of the south garden is the sunflower row. I transplanted those over the weekend, but unfortunately a few were already wabbitized. Peas are off to the side with the first planting now about 18 inches tall.

The middle garden is reserved for corn with squash growing out the south end. The squash transplanting is awaiting the weekend as the boys want to transplant their giant pumpkins. The north row is the pole bean fence which is built to Berlin Wall strength.

The tiny north garden is the hot peppers and a couple stray okra plants. The side weed patch, which failed last year, is sprouting some cilantro. If I can weed fast enough I should get something this year.

Sunday was the first harvest: a salad-thinning salad with an unexpected bonus. While I was mowing the lawn I found morel mushrooms in my own yard.

I finally went mobile wireless with a Motorola Q. Haven't figured out how to make it run Linux yet so I'm in Windows Mobile. It's got Windows Media Player and I've loaded music onto a 16 gig mini-card. 16 gig on the size of my pinkie thumbnail... anyway part of the deal is supposed to be Koni eventually gets the Sansa.

I find myself in the garden using headphones less and the little built in speaker more, which gives me a transistor radio effect. Unfortunately when I use it that way the battery life is roughly equivalent to an old transistor radio, making the effect all too realistic.

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