Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Clips

Endorsement Season Starts

It's close enough to primary day that newspaper endorsements are starting to roll out. The P-C starts today with legislative seats and goes with Dave Jacoby:
We're a little confused about the reasoning behind the primary challenge in the first place. Stellmach's campaign was financed largely by (AFSCME)...yet Jacoby has a much more pro-labor voting record than many other Democratic incumbents representing parts of Johnson County -- especially Marek.

We see no need for District 30 Democrats to vote against someone who has represented the district well for seven years.
In the Republican races to the southwest the P-C goes with the main chance contenders Sandy Greiner and Jarad Klein. Tomorrow: US Senate.

  • Speaking of which there was a two-way Senate debate last night, as Bob Krause's plane was stranded. Tom Fiegen's promised revelations about the deep dark secrets of Roxanne Conlin's past failed to materialize.

  • Also in Senate Land, Grassley tries to step on the debate as he reports another bucketload of money:
    The reaction that provoked from the candidates for the Democratic nomination to face Grassley was as different as anything that divided them during the hour-long forum.

    “We won’t match him dollar-for-dollar,” Conlin said. “He may have the money, but we have the spirit, we have the volunteers that he just can’t match.”

    Conlin, who reported raising $181,553 and having 870,643 cash on hand, said she will have the resources to compete with Grassley.

    Fiegen, who has yet to report his latest fundraising numbers, but raised $15,219 last quarter and had $582 cash on hand, said he’s “not in awe” of Grassley’s money.

    Fiegen, a bankruptcy attorney, took another tack. Given the anti-Washington, anti-incumbent mood this year, “Money is the enemy,” he said.
    Yet more proof that Tom Fiegen doesn't know how to fight the real enemy.

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