Sunday, May 30, 2010

Smallest Farm Sunday

Smallest Farm Sunday

The Climbing Tree

I've used up my Flickr quote for the month so just one pic this week. Our apple tree is also our climbing tree. This year I'm hoping to do more with the apples than just run over them with the mower.

The garden is at that odd Tom Petty stage where the waiting is the hardest part. The corn hasn't yet sprouted, but the big pumpkins have. This year the Most Sincere Pumpkin Patch is located just east nf the north garden, with one excess plant transplanted to the south garden.

This is supposed to be the peak of strawberry season but all I have so far is some baby berries. But we're just a couple days away from huge quantities of mulberries. They've gone from green to reddish pink, and purple and edible is next. Sometimes last summer I'd have to weed on my knees in the mulberry zone, and when I got up my legs looked bruised.

The peas that survived wabbits are starting to blossom. Pole beans are my favorite plants to grow, but sugar snap peas are the produce I like to EAT the most. None yet, but I am getting a couple salads a week.

I just love vertical stuff. One year when I was in a small apartment my garden was 20 feet long and nine inches wide: one fence of beans. I hardly need to go vertical now, but I'm learning the skills because in a few years I may be in a smaller space than my football-field size lot. Plus Koni's favorite flowers - morning glories - are vertical.

So the beans and cukes are starting to grab onto the Giant Fence, with the tallest bean nearing the two foot mark. (I actually measured a vertical scale). The single-vine tomatoes are also reaching the fence, though they need to grow a little more before I start the aggressive pruning. The more traditional caged tomatoes are starting to grow their first unproductive "suckers" between the main stems, so they'll need trimming too.

When I was weeding behind the Giant Fence I made a discovery: yet another nest of baby wabbits. They breed like, well, you know. They're still at the pink, eyes-closed stage.

A couple of interesting articles: The craze of upside down planting and a look at the ancestry of corn.

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