Monday, October 04, 2010

Greiner farm subsidies draw national attention

Greiner draws national attention (not in a good way)

Several national blogs including Politico's Ben Smith pick up on this item, part of a common thread of the last couple weeks of teabaggers on the government dole:
Sandra Greiner is the president of the American Future Fund, an organization that has spent more than $5 million on advertisements that target Democrats on a variety of issues, including their support for federal spending.

But Greiner and her family have not shied away from taking federal subsidies for their farm near Keota, in eastern Iowa.

According to a a database maintained by the Environmental Working Group, a not-for-profit that tracks farm subsidies, the Greiner family -- Sandra Greiner, her husband, Terry Greiner, and their three sons -- received more than $935,000 in farm subsidies from 1995 to 2009.
For Swing State Project, this helps explain AFF's inexplicable spending for Ben "who?" Lange:
If, like me, you've been wondering why AFF is pouring $800K into the race against Bruce Braley in the 1st, which no observer has taken much interest in or seen any smoke coming from, well, now you have an answer: Sandy Grenier is the head of AFF. She's also running for state Senate in her spare time... in Iowa. In other words, she's pouring money into a race that's her own personal hobby horse, at the expense of other races that are actually competitive. (And that's not even the main point of the article... it turns out that Grenier, like so many other members of the current wave of GOP candidates, is a big believer in sucker-punching the government with one hand even as you take money from it with the other. Her family has received over $935K in farm subsidies over the last 15 years.)

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