Monday, June 27, 2011

Linux Monday: How The Linux Netbook Died

Linux Monday: How The Linux Netbook Died

Here's a Linux Monday read that might, or should, be of interest to the casual geek or anyone with an interest in antitrust law: Think back about four years when netbooks were the new hot thing? Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols & Paula Rooney pick up the story:
When netbooks first came along, they almost all ran Linux. Microsoft, which was then stuck with the resource pig known as Windows Vista, simply couldn’t compete. So, reluctantly, Microsoft gave Windows XP Home a new lease on life and sold it below cost to OEMs to kill the Linux desktop on netbooks.

They were successful. Mind you, the last thing Microsoft wanted was for people to keep using XP. They wanted, oh how they wanted, users to turn to Vista. But, they also didn’t want to turn over the low-end to Linux. So, instead they dumped XP Home to OEMs at below cost to chase Linux off netboooks. It worked.

As for Intel, even though their Atom processors powered the netbooks into popularity, they were never crazy about it. After all, every Atom-powered netbook sold was one less Pentium Dual Core laptop that could have been sold at a higher price and higher margin.

So, if you ever wondered why it is you can’t find a $200 Linux-powered netbook from a brand name OEM these days, now you know. It really was Microsoft with an Intel chip in the CFO’s office.
But they didn't kill it entirely dead:
Asus, one of the leading manufacturers of netbooks, has announced that three Eee PCs will ship with Ubuntu Linux. Price-wise, they should range from around $220 for the Eee PC 1001PXD, up to $320 for the 1015PX.

Beyond the fact that Canonical has finally scored a big deal with a sizable OEM, the one thing that stands out is the old version of Ubuntu.
From there we get more Linux geeky with the whole Unity vs. GNOME fight that's rending Planet Ubuntu asunder. Most of you don't want that, so here's some stuff that's useful no matter what your platform: a long list of hard drive myths and, from Daily Kos of all places, advide on How To Fix That Crap.

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