Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Talking with the Assassin of Hope

Since my endorsement recently of the justice center, I seem to have become the poster child for lefty support for the proposal. I got a lengthy shout-out from the Gazette's Jennifer Hemmingsen on Sunday, and Monday I taped an appearance on Yale Cohn's PATV18 show "Talking With," which is now airing and can be seen below.

My sparring partner from the No side is Jeff Cox, and there's definitely an... edge to our interpersonal vibe. By my count this is the third major contest just this year where we've been on opposite sides (my side won the first two) and the pre-broadcast off-air discussion was tense.

During the broadcast, Cox calls me "the assassin of hope," which Yale quipped would be a good gangsta rap name for me. I'm more an aging punk myself, but Rage Against The Machine is free to use it as an album title if they reunite.

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