Friday, December 06, 2013

Olson Aide Discusses Marital Issue

A top aide to gubernatorial candidate Tyler Olson addresses what he called "the elephant in the room" last night in a room that never has elephants: the Johnson County Democrats' monthly meeting.

Stacey Walker, Olson's political director, said no endorsers or supporters have backed away since Monday's announcement that Olson and his wife Sarah were ending their marriage.

"This was shocking and sudden even for Tyler who learned about it shortly before Thanksgiving," said Walker. "His wife approached him and asked for a divorce. But it's a story as uninteresting as two people deciding to separate. That happens in our society."
"We've cancelled our public events for this month, but we'll resume in the New Year," said Walker. One of those postponed events, a fundraiser at Bob and Sue Dvorsky's home in Coralville,  had been scheduled for immediately before last night's meeting.

"There's no grounds for any of these rumors," Walker said of the inevitable gossip. "Folks don't want to believe a politician can separate from his spouse just for irreconcilable differences."

Rumors that may be more substantial: another Democrat getting into the open Senate 39 race... Also at last night's meeting, labor activist and ex-school board member Jim Tate elected as fundraising chair for the JCDems, and I talked about the caucuses a lot. Have I mentioned I need precinct chairs?

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