Monday, March 24, 2014

Upcoming Events: March 24-31

The big event of the week is Wednesday at 5 PM: the filing deadline for county candidates. I have literally a front row seat for that one and will update later that night, surprises or not.

Janet Lyness won't br a surprise as she's made plans to turn her papers in Tuesday and follow that up with a post-filing party at Monica's on the Coralville Strip from 5 to 7 that evening. Refreshments and Pizza included, donations welcome.

Also on Tuesday, there's a noon Pentacrest "Rally for Women's Health and Separation of Church and State." It's timed to coincide with events in DC:
On March 25, at the same time of this rally, the US Supreme Court will be hearing oral arguments in two cases (referred to as the "Hobby Lobby" cases) that seek to deny its employees the health coverage of contraceptives to which the employees are entitled by federal law, based on the religious objections of the corporation's owners.
Sponsored by the League of Women Voters Johnson County. Co-sponsers include University of Iowa Democrats; Secular Students at UI; UI Feminist Union; Sisterhood of Agudas Achim.
DVIP's annual fundraiser is Thursday:
With $25 tickets, you get to pick one soup bowl which is donated by community members, antique stores, Fires Up through out the year. Many groups and organization collect the very unique and fun bowls. 

You can use your bowl to eat soups that are also donated by the famous restaurants around the town, while you are listening to the live music!

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