Tuesday, April 17, 2007

North Liberty Special

North Liberty: Let The Games Begin

North Liberty sets June 12 as the date for their form-of-government special. Debate on whether to include the mayor vacancy breaks out along predictable pro- and anti- Franker lines:

'If we pick a mayor now, they'll have to run again in November ... and possibly only be mayor for four months,' City Council member James Wozniak said.

Council member Matt Bahl said combining both votes inspires more public interest and involvement in city government.

'This is (the citizens') choice,' he said.

However, acting Mayor Gerry Kuhl said he feared that a special election for mayor would produce more 'diversion and controversy.'

Not sure if he meant or said "diversion" or "division" there. Meanwhile North Liberty and Coralville are in an annexation war that looks to be the next big Johnson County development fight. Those are always the nastiest because that's where the money is.

Speaking of where the money is Dave Loebsack is sure to get bashed on the Iowa rightosphere for his latest campaign finance reports; I can already hear the squawking of "PAC PAC PAC" although that might just be the crow outside my window.

But a closer look shows that it's labor money - just active working folks sticking together. A PAC is just a mechanism, a bundler if you were. Harkin put it best years ago, I paraphrase: A CEO gives $5000 and that's just a "private donation," but when a thousand rank and file members give five bucks each that's "corrupt?" Gimme a break. (For the record I gave Dave a modest check; his fundraiser happened to land on payday.)

Still working on the migration from Blogger to my own domain with limited success; time spent on that is time not writing and I'm having too much fun writing. johndeeth.com does forward you to http://jdeeth.blogspot.com/ so I'm starting to spread the word. Still mulling over in my head whether using my name as my domain is egotistical or not.

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