Monday, November 02, 2015

O'Malley wins the Kevin Kinney Primary

The day before Hillary Clinton visits Coralville, Martin O'Malley picks up his first big endorsement in Johnson County:
Des Moines, IA -- Today O'Malley for Iowa announced two more high profile endorsements of Governor Martin O'Malley for President: State Senator Kevin Kinney and State Representative Bruce Hunter.

Senator Kinney released this statement:

"Governor O’Malley’s has the proven leadership ability to move America forward. While Governor O’Malley and I do not agree on every issue, his record of executive experience and responsible governance has made him the effective leader our country needs. During his time as Governor of Maryland, Martin O’Malley proved himself by his actions, prioritizing good public education for our kids and making Maryland’s schools some of the best in the nation. I believe Martin O’Malley has the record and experience to serve our country well and bring pragmatism back to Washington. He is the Democratic candidate I believe our nation needs. That is why I am supporting Governor O’Malley’s campaign to be the next President of the United States.”
Team Apostrophe has been nurturing this endorsement since a year ago this summer, when O'Malley made a visit to North Liberty for Kinney's campaign. Kinney also handled the introduction for O'Malley at an Iowa City event in June. And there's a staffer connection as well: O'Malley staffer Sean McEnerney managed Kinney's campaign.

Kinney's win last year was in my humble opinion (and in the opinion of many others) the biggest in the state. The popular sheriff's deputy took over a seat previously held by retiring Republican Sandra Greiner, which made up for a loss in Ft. Dodge and a failed gain in Ottumwa, and clinched the critical 26th seat for Senate Democrats.

While it's a Johnson County endorsement, the impact ripples into neighboring counties. Kinney's seat is half in Johnson and half in Keokuk and Washington counties.

The Clinton campaign currently has a big edge in Johnson County elected endorsements. Legislators Bob Dvorsky, Mary Mascher, Vicki Lensing, Sally Stutsman, and Dave Jacoby are on board, along with county officials Janet Lyness and Kim Painter.

Bernie Sanders has endorsements from two county supervisors, Rod Sullivan and Mike Carberry.

(Note to readers: For obvious reasons I'll not be covering the Hillary event tomorrow. But check back late Tuesday evening for all the goods on the city election.)

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