Saturday, July 26, 2014

Irish Overload: O'Malley for Kinney

The open Senate District 39 race, critical to both parties for control of the Senate this fall, is drawing attention all the way up to the level of potential presidential candidates.

The saying is, no politician ever comes to Iowa by accident, and Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley made his second Iowa visit in a month today, headlining an North Liberty event for Kevin Kinney, the Democratic candidate in the key open, Republican held seat.

As if O'Malley for Kinney in a bar called Rocky O'Brien's wasn't enough Irishmen, the event also drew a surprise visit from Senator Tom Harkin, who bragged about winning a Guinness pouring contest on Capitol Hill.

Locals on hand included Senator Bob Dvorsky, Representative Mary Mascher, supervisor candidates Janelle Rettig and Mike Carberry, county attorney Janey Lyness, new North Liberty mahor Gerry Kuhl, and Mitch Gross from the Coralville city council, who sported a Baltimore Orioles shirt for the occasion.

The interest in Senate 39 by possible candidates is bipartisan. Texas Governor Rick Perry will visit the district on August 10 for Kinney's opponent, Republican Mike Moore.

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