Tuesday, March 09, 2004

A wacky '70s comeback

"In May, the Topps Co. will re-release Wacky Packages with one eye on the nostaglia market and its other on kids brought up in the computer age. The company hopes its product can transcend time and the generation gap."

"Anyone who was 7 years old in 1973 who wasn't really square was into this stuff," said Greg Grant, a University of Pennsylvania research mathematician who runs an elaborate "Wacky Packages" Web site...

I would have been 9. My parents, who were teachers in 1973, will be aghast. Anyone my age will recall the banning of Wacky Packages in classrooms everywhere ("Gadzooka Bubble Gum: Annoy your teacher, chew bubble gum in class").

To this day there are products in the store that I can't look at without thinking of the Wacky Package like "Chock Full O'Bolts Coffee".

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