Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Chafee Takes the First Step

Chafee Takes the First Step

"Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) said Monday he plans to support his party in November but may write in a candidate instead of voting for President (sic) Bush...

Chafee said the party's direction in the future will determine his political career as well. He said he's "not OK" with the conservative platform from the Republican convention, but would not say if he'd consider switching parties in his next election in 2006..."

Moderate Republicans used to fly across this nation in great swarms. Just like passenger pigeons...

It would be a nice trade for Alexander from Louisiana. And I can never resist an excuse to do that "President (sic)" thing...

However, do the little old ladies at the polls a favor and skip the write in, they have to tally your Mickey Mouse and Ficus Plant "statements" at the end of a very long day.

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