Monday, December 06, 2004

How to Sell a Candidate to a Porsche-Driving, Leno-Loving Nascar Fan

How to Sell a Candidate to a Porsche-Driving, Leno-Loving Nascar Fan

Really interesting demographics and targeting article in the New York Times. Studded with lots of gems; this was my favorite:

"The data also yielded unexpected insights. One of the shows most popular with Republicans, especially Republican women ages 18 to 34, turned out to be 'Will & Grace,' the sitcom about gay life in New York. As a result, while Mr. Bush was shoring up his conservative credentials by supporting a constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage, his advertising team was buying time on a program that celebrates gay culture..."

Hypocrisy watch aside, it seems like the GOP still has a grasp on this very basic concept. While Kerry's targeting was almost all GEOgraphic, Bush's was also DEMOgraphic, which played a big role in switching at least the popular vote his way.

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