Monday, January 31, 2005

More trouble on the GOP ranch

More trouble on the GOP ranch

From the sheer cement of the base, this one:

"On Friday Rush Limbaugh, a staunch Bush supporter, took two separate opportunities to warn the president that he faced conservative opposition on some key issues that could hurt his chances of passing the rest of his second-term agenda. First was federal spending, which 'is surging out of control,' according to the Heritage Foundation's new 'Mandate for Leadership.'

The other was immigration, which, Mr. Limbaugh told his listeners, 'could break up the Republican-conservative coalition' ? la Ross Perot. 'We cannot maintain our sovereignty without securing and protecting our borders in an era where terrorists around the world seek entry to this country,' he said."

They used to say never get in an argument with a man who buys ink by the barrel. Change the medium, multiply by millions of listeners a day, and Bush has a problem.

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