Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Court intrigue is just looking for an opening

Court intrigue is just looking for an opening

"Behind the scenes, Washington is preparing for Rehnquist's departure - and for the possibility that Bush soon will get to make his first lifetime appointment to the high court.

Since the 80-year-old chief justice disclosed his illness in October, there has been a flurry of activity here among interest groups, Senate offices, law professors and others who would be involved in a Supreme Court confirmation.

All have been engaged in what amounts to political nesting: preparing for a nomination battle in the Senate over an open court seat, without knowing when an opening might occur or whom Bush would pick as a replacement."

I'm not sure whose health is more contemplated or whose demise is going through more morbid analysis: William Rehnquist's or Karol Wojtyla's.

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