Monday, March 14, 2005

Primary wrangling

Primary wrangling

Jerome Armstrong at MyDD discusses the meeting of the DNC Commission on Presidential Nominations:

"The real thrust is to grandfather in Iowa and NH in '08, in return for moving to a rotation by '12, and that MI is the primary hammer with which to force NH to come to the table. NH'ites are pretty stubborn though, and may just push their primary into '07 rather than letting their 'first in the nation' status give way. "

Iowa did itself no favors in 2004 by flipping from Blue to Red in November. It would have been better for us had Kerry WON; he would have owed us one even WITH a November loss. But instead we have most of the blogosphere (like me still broken-hearted over Dean's loss) angry at us for de facto nominating Kerry.

I'd not be shocked if we don't even get grandfathered in for 2008. New Hampshire might - note that they were the only state to flip from Red to Blue. But the caucuses had some serious procedural weaknesses. Disorganization (we tried our best), bad lists (inflicted on the locals by the state party), and - this could be the fatal flaw - no absentee procedure.

It was fun while it lasted. Here's the take from Jane Norman at the Register.

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