Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Tory Meltdown

Tory Meltdown

Howard has brought in the Karl Rove of the Commonwealth but the strategery is different:

"One senior Tory said: “This is a core vote campaign, along the lines of 2001. It is much more professionally organised, thanks to Lynton Crosby (the Australian strategist running the campaign). But in Australia Mr Crosby does not have to worry about the threat from a third party. What seems to be happening here is that when we make a hit on Labour, the Liberal Democrats get two thirds of the benefit.”"

Combine that with the Lib Dems "decapitation strategy" - targeting Conservative leadership, a game Labour voters in those seats may be happy to play, and the popularity of the Lib Dem leader, cuddly-cute Charles Kennedy, whose first child was born just as the campaign began...

and Howard's campaign may be doing more harm than good?

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