Friday, October 14, 2005

Drug agents can't keep up with pot growers

Drug agents can't keep up with pot growers

Today's latest from the Peter Tosh department:

"Look at the amount of economic value we're destroying," says Dale Gieringer, director of California NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. "This could be legally taxed and regulated and we could all be making money off it. We never saw this lawlessness until there were drug laws and CAMP." NORML estimates that Californians' pot consumption could yield at least $250 million a year in sales taxes.

USA Today attacks, in an "objective journalist" way, environmental damage from clandestine pot farms - without noting that the clandestine nature is why the stuff's being grown in unsuitable plots to begin with.

Hat tip to TalkLeft: It's a waste of money. Demand is not going to go down. Canadian research, natch.

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