Monday, January 23, 2006

Lieberman Looking More Vulnerable

Lieberman Looking More Vulnerable

In a national mood today:

The subject of a Lieberman primary challenge popped up again on the major political blogs this weekend. He'll have to be beaten twice, since if he loses the primary he'll likely bolt and run as an independent.

The primary challenge that DID surface recently was unexpected: Rep. Ed Case is challending Daniel Akaka in Hawaii. The issue is pretty explicitly age: Case is in his early 50s and Akaka is 81 with 30 years in DC. Case is the brother of AOL's Steve Case so money should be plentiful; Hawaiians should hope that he doesn't mail his campaign lit out on ever-redundant CDs.

And in Minnesota, Patty Wetterling dropped out of the Senate race but appears to be dropping into the House race instead.

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