Friday, July 28, 2006

Pate’s Shameful Record in Public Office

Pate’s Shameful Record in Public Office

I don't usually run verbatim press releases but the defense of Paul Pate in the comments has been vehement. So, via the IDP:

Pate Embellished His Educational Background in the Iowa Official Register. Pate claimed that he gradated from the Wharton School of Business when, in fact, he only attended a two-week program.

Pate Attempted to Copyright State Slogans Before Leaving Office. The Attorney General's office issued a ruling stating the state, not Pate personally, had the legal rights to marketing slogans.

Pate Said He Would Abolish the Secretary of State’s Office. Pate made a campaign promise to abolish the Secretary of State’s office or make major revisions to the position. He did neither one, and now, is considering running for the position again.

And since the question of residency has been raised: I checked the Red Book from 1993-94, Pate's last years in the Senate, and it lists a Marion (not Cedar Rapids) address. The House district he held was essentially the city of Marion; the Senate district was about half and half with Cedar Rapids.

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